‘Celebritified’ selfie + Pizza = Success for Ellen DeGeneres

A couple of weeks ago, I made a sweeping statement of a tweet.

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The intention and meaning behind this tweet dates back to 2009. Like every year that preceded this one, I took the day off school to immerse myself in a world of celebrity goss, gloss and glamour. It was a year where I had seen all the nominated films and had, and continue to have, a deep appreciation for the talented cast and crew behind each and every one of these movies.
Finally, Kate Winslet had won. Not only that, but one of my favourite films of all time, Slumdog Millionaire, took out a plethora of awards. And, to top it all off, the late and great, Heath Ledger was awarded Best Supporting Actor for his intensifying performance in The Dark Knight. It was Australian after Australian (figuratively, I guess). So, what could possibly make this year even better? Well, of course, Hugh Jackman’s musical monologue. At the time, I thought that nobody could possibly surpass this entertaining actor’s astounding (… and quite hilarious) role as host.

But, alas, I was wrong.

Ellen Degeneres did it. She actually fulfilled the role of an Oscar host. Yes, while I must admit that I wasn’t a fan of her 2007 hosting role, she definitely stepped up. Without a freaking doubt.
To be honest, she won me over when she accused everybody in Hollywood for being racist if 12 Years A Slave didn’t win Best Picture. Suck on that, The Academy.

Oh, but then this happened.

Meryl Streep holds the record for most Oscar nominations, so naturally, DeGeneres wanted to break a new record, too: the most retweeted photo (x)

Meryl Streep holds the record for most Oscar nominations, so naturally, DeGeneres wanted to break a new record, too: the most retweeted photo (x)

The selfie that broke Twitter (x)

The selfie that broke Twitter (x)

As expected, Ellen broke this record with the selfie skyrocketing to 132,000 retweets within a few minutes.
How many RTs does it have now, you ask? Well, only a stingy 2.7 million.

So, could it get any better? Well, you’d think it couldn’t. But, it’s Ellen. So, naturally, it does.

PIZZA! (x)

PIZZA! (x)

Queen Meryl takes a slice (x)

Queen Meryl takes a slice (x)

Need I say more?

So, I have come to the conclusion that Ellen DeGeneres has unofficially taken out the award for Best Host in the History of the Oscars. I mean, c’mon, what other host orders pizza? Um, yes please!

As a result, I apologise to Hugh for getting your hopes up, but you have now been succeeded by the queen of television, Mrs. Ellen Degeneres.
Try again, next time.

2 responses to “‘Celebritified’ selfie + Pizza = Success for Ellen DeGeneres

  1. Hi Jenna. People said they felt the Awards were boring and insignificant. I disagree. I thought a tremendous amount of heart energy was present and I was proud the people of Venezuela and the Ukraine were mentioned! More than ever we are so connected. Let’s hope it brings compassion and change. Blog on! TUSK #tuscan

    • Hi Tusk. I agree 100%. Personally, this years Oscars were one of my favourites, ever. And, I also thought it was compassionate that the people of Venezuela and the Ukraine were mentioned. Thank you so much for your insightful comment.

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